admin March 30, 2020


Camping is the modern way by which we are introducing ourselves to Nature in order to connect with it. We are also trying to go back to our roots by getting our hands dirty and to get a taste of the Wild, far away from civilization. Nature have been with us all along. Only we have disconnected ourselves from it - by calling ourselves "Modern". This brings us to the important question of - How many of us would be able to survive by ourselves just with the clothes on our back? Are we equipped with any knowledge of survival? Can we make it - living outdoors just for a week? Just a week outdoors with no help from outside. Most of us would just back off. Why? Because most of us have never ever been taught anything to prepare for our own survival. All that we know and are conditioned is to buy stuff and add to a long list of the other artificial comforts of creating a "modern" home. Most of us do not even now how to cook. So what is wrong her? EVERYTHING. Why is it important to connect with nature? Because we are Nature and we are a Part of it? We are living on the surface of this tiny blue pebble floating freely in deep space. It is at the right distance from the Sun. Too far and we would have been frozen and a little bit closer, we would have been vaporized into thin air. So now that we have come to realize the importance of what surrounds us, it tells us how insignificant we are on the grand scale of the Universe and the Cosmos. Each day comes with it a new beginning for some and an end for others. It is a delicate balance. So let's talk about Camping. What is it that we take with us when we venture outside, leaving the comforts of home behind? Literally we do carry with us the extension of modern life. For example, a flashlight or a GPS or a compass. We would carry a lighter to light a fire. We would carry a tent with all the cooking gear including gas to be used as fuel. We would not forget the mosquito repellent nor our comfortable sneakers. Definitely a waterproof tent with everything waterproof, childproof etc. So how do we keep track of it year in and year out as we mingle and join larger and larger family outings. Things do get lost, mingled and what not. To all our members, we offer you 22 forms that are Free for you to print and use. One of which is a log form that helps you keep track of what you are carrying with you to camp- a list. It is especially beneficial to have that list when camping out with multiple families. When your camping gear and other items are tagged with your own custom label, you are in absolute control to help keep track of all your ducks. This helps you keep stress away(at least for now) and to shift your focus on Nature. That was the whole point to set out to go camping in the first place. Enjoy the outdoors by respecting Nature in order to admire it. Man needs to back off from Nature, so Nature can heal itself. Let's keep a distance and admire it from far, Yet near. There is plenty to worry about when you get back to civilization. But for now Relax and connect. So how do you keep track of everything - camping? This is how: All you have to do is to register with us for FREE, print your own custom labels from the comforts of your home or while traveling, and tag everything you own that is important to you. If and when it gets lost and found and once the finder notifies our system, our system will notify you via email.  Once you become a member you may print UNLIMITED custom labels, Tag UNLIMITED items that you own, and get UNLIMITED notifications. The best part of it is you can join right away. The First month is always FREE. No contracts. Join anytime. Instant access. After which it is just $9.99 /month per person. We are - a notification company for lost and found.    Suggested Products:

  • 2.25 inch wide custom label
  • 4 inch wide custom label
  • 6 inch wide custom label
  • 8 inch wide custom label
  Register on www.LOSTGOOSE.com                         PROTECT YOUR INVESTMENT. INVEST IN YOU.
