admin March 24, 2020


As the name implies, a disaster is one which can either be Natural in its occurrence or Man-made which is intentional. Both forms do claim Precious Lives and causes Billions of Dollars in Property damage. Property and stuff can be replaced at anytime. But every Human Life is Precious. Since Life does not come with an Instruction manual. We are also lost for words to comprehend the extent of damage, when it happens. Nor do we know how to deal with it. Nor do we come with spare parts. So each of us are precious in every way. And only we can take care of ourselves, because no one else will. When a disaster strikes, it strikes without warning. So most of us are completely unprepared and taken aback. In good times, all of us continue to do what we are used to doing, paying little attention to what we have to do to prepare ourselves ahead of time for the unknown. But rarely do we care until it is too late. The occurrence of Natural Disasters is completely out of our control. When this happens it takes a Human toll and magnifies its destructive powers on Earth's Inhabitants. But what we can Control is to control the power of our Human brain. It is our own doing on what we have set out to do - Exploiting our Planet by taking it to the brim and then destroying it for our own gain. This is pure Greed and Selfishness on our part as Humans. With the size of our brain, just under 3 lbs, it is in fact the World's most powerful computer. It has the power to create as well as destroy. It has our memory stored in it even from our childhood days, decades back. Isn't that fascinating? If it were a hardware, it would have been outdated multiple times over. But it seems to have a life of its own and seem to be going on for ever. So why not harness its power for the benefit of all. As we all know, It is much easier said than done. We need to get prepared and act to prepare ourselves way ahead of potential disasters, both Natural and artificial. When stuff happens, there is chaos, panic, fear, anger, resentment and confusion in the room. I am sure none of us want to be in that situation of turmoil. To avoid it what can we do? Prepare ourselves and brace ourselves for possible impact. This preparation is not pleasant for any of us when the Sun is shining and the skies are blue. Only when the skies darkens and the rain starts pouring do we sense the value of our preparedness. So it does not hurt to get prepared ahead of time unlike the masses. A little preparation now takes many headaches and heartaches away from us later on, at the time when disaster strikes. Our custom labels that our portal creates for you is designed to prepare us for most events that Nature throws at us. In situations of doom and Gloom such as during Earthquakes, Tornadoes, Floods, Hurricanes etc, things happen very fast giving us very little time if any, to leave our homes with just our clothes on our backs. Many will have their Lives transformed and many may never be able to get back to their normal  lives. This is very unfortunate. But Life will still go on. Your custom labels are designed to be affixed to anything and everything that you own. Your custom labels are encrypted and designed to do the "talking" on your behalf once they are affixed to any article that you own or on your person. This does help a lot when there is no available information to identify or help someone in need. It has all the needed information on it to hopefully bring about a grand reunion of family, stuff or things that matter to you most. So lets fix it and forget it. So when the need arises, they will rise up to the occasion to help. So what do you need to do? All you have to do is to register with us for FREE, print your own custom labels from the comforts of your home or while traveling, and tag everything you own that is important to you. If and when it gets lost and found and once the finder notifies our system, our system will notify you via email.  Once you become a member you may print UNLIMITED custom labels, Tag UNLIMITED items that you own, and get UNLIMITED notifications. The best part of it is you can join right away. The First month is always FREE. No contracts. Join anytime. Instant access. After which it is just $9.99 /month per person. We are - a notification company for lost and found.    Suggested Products:

  • 2.25 inch wide custom label
  • 4 inch wide custom label
  • 6 inch wide custom label
  • 8 inch wide custom label
  Register on www.LOSTGOOSE.com                         PROTECT YOUR INVESTMENT. INVEST IN YOU.
