We live in an age of Electronics. From the time we open our eyes in the morning to the time we close them at night, we are tuned into all sorts of Gadgets- Large and small. We have been sucked in too deep that we can't live without them at this point. Also we are being bombarded with everchanging dynamic content from every direction. Our body and our brains are not designed to withstand these Artificial waves of light and sound. These gadgets don't come in cheap either. They are in fact built as an use and throw model due to the fact that they get easily outdated and outnumbered every 3 months. So you know where they all end up eventually. In Landfills of e-waste. This wrecks havoc on our Ecosystem and on our Health too. Now that we know more about them, have we stopped using them at all? No. In fact we are ready to shell out our hard earned money by way of a monthly payment plan so as to make sure we can afford to show off the latest and the greatest bling. In due course they do get obsolete like everything else. So now that we have it, what are we going to do with it? Since we are paying top dollar for it, we are very careful not to lose it. But Life has other plans for us. We might lose it at some point or simply misplace it or it may get stolen. In that case, how could we have it prevented from getting lost in the first place and secondly how do we ever have a second chance at finding it and getting have it reunited back to us? Our custom labels are designed exclusively for you. It is also encrypted for your privacy. When these custom labels are affixed to your electronic gadgets and phone chargers, Your mind can rest easy knowing that you have done your part in affixing our custom labels to the gadgets you crave, hold and long for, thereby wanting to protect it. Your custom labels are designed to do the "talking" on your behalf and hopefully help them be found in case they get lost. In a World where stuff do go missing with each passing second, we hope that your custom labels can help make a tiny dent in their retrieval. If we are able to help find each and every missing gadget that is out there, we will have done our job. But in reality, it is Humanly impossible to do so. What we have done is to have technology on our side and with the help of Honest Human beings around the World, we are hoping to make the impossible possible for all of us. Do your part by tagging anything and everything that you own and the ones that is valuable to you. We will do the rest to hopefully make the impossible possible by bringing about a grand reunion through your custom labels. In the best of circumstances, as our member we can help prevent anything from getting lost in the first place just by you creating your own custom labels at your convenience and on demand on our portal. So how do you get started to help tag everything that you own that is valuable to you? Read on. All you have to do is to register with us for FREE, print your own custom labels from the comforts of your home or while traveling, and tag everything you own that is important to you. If and when it gets lost and found and once the finder notifies our system, our system will notify you via email. Once you become a member you may print UNLIMITED custom labels, Tag UNLIMITED items that you own, and get UNLIMITED notifications. The best part of it is you can join right away. The First month is always FREE. No contracts. Join anytime. Instant access. After which it is just $9.99 /month per person. We are - a notification company for lost and found. Suggested Products: