8 inch wide custom label



School related, Luggage and travel, Home and family, Pet ID, Sports, Transport , Commerce, Books, Camping , Gardening, Assets, Luxury, Crime prevention, Disasters, Trophy, Seniors, Everything else

Print Options:

Each and every label that we custom create for you is encrypted and is made Exclusively for you with your Privacy in mind. For this reason you will not see any Personal Identifiable Information on any of our labels. That says it all. As a current Member you are free to print as many labels that you may need on your home printer or while traveling. And Yes, They are FREE. Our suggested paper color of choice for Printing is Yellow. Because the color YELLOW stands out and seeks attention. But, of course you are free to choose whatever color paper that you wish to print on, since you will be printing using your own printer and on your own paper. Once printed, You may affix the custom labels onto all the item(s) that you wish returned in the event they get lost and be found.

Custom Label Care:

To preserve the integrity of the custom labels, consider waterproofing the labels that are affixed on to each item(s). Also recommended to adhere custom labels to each item(s) in a waterproof fashion using the adhesive of your choice.