admin March 30, 2020


The act of moving our bodies is very essential for our survival. If we do not move, we will sink Health wise. Our participation in Sports help us fine tune our body and mind to work in unison. The benefit we get out of it is Priceless. When we look at it in the Micro economic scale, the Business of Sport is large enough to provide for many families and communities all over the World. Exercise in itself helps pump up our heart and stimulate blood vessels to carry the oxygenated blood to each and every part of the body, thereby enriching it with Oxygen rich fresh blood. It also does get rid of impurities in the process. So we have to keep moving daily no matter what- like sharks. From the ancient World of Chess with it's origins in India to the modern video games of today, Humans have been hooked on to Sports for centuries. This has helped our ancestors keep their mind intact and stay sane by doing so. Crossword puzzles have been shown to reduce dementia in the elderly. Likewise any physical sport is essential to protect our defenses in combination with Healthy eating and sleeping. Half of the World today is sleep deprived and overworked. Depression and obesity is on the rise due to inactivity, overeating and leading solitary lives by locking ourselves in cubicles and within the confines of our homes. Most of us, especially in the Northern Hemisphere do not get enough daily exposure to the Sun during Winter months depriving ourselves further of valuable Vitamin D. So what are we doing to our bodies and our lives? Are we merely existing to await the inevitable or Are we wanting to start Living Life at some point? The Whole World awaits to be explored. But many of us have not even traveled to our neighboring State. Life is about living and exploring. To do this we will need to gather the courage to leave the comforts of home behind. Just exploring the Nature around us will take our breath away. Taking all this into consideration, lets dive into the Business of Sports. The gear and equipment are definitely expensive and in some cases priceless to replace. It does cost money to buy all the required gear for each Sport, such as ball, gloves, apparel, shields, bats, rackets, shoes etc. We need to consider them as an investment, an investment made for our body, and mind. Once we have purchased these products, we must keep them safe. So how do we do that? Right now once we lose something, rarely do we get it back. To solve this Problem we have put our minds to the task- to help you get back once it gets lost and second, to preemptively prevent it from getting lost in the first place. Tag every piece of sport gear which you own and the ones that is important to you and have it secured in place. We have designed custom labels that is right for the job.  Set it once and forget it. So if at all one of those tagged product goes missing, whoever finds it will be able to notify our system. Since all our Custom Labels are encrypted with your information, your privacy is locked in. Once our system gets notified by a finder, our system will notify you to help get it back in your hands. All you have to do is to register with us for FREE, print your own custom labels from the comforts of your home or while traveling, and tag everything you own that is important to you. If and when it gets lost and found and once the finder notifies our system, our system will notify you via email.  Once you become a member you may print UNLIMITED custom labels, Tag UNLIMITED items that you own, and get UNLIMITED notifications. The best part of it is you can join right away. The First month is always FREE. No contracts. Join anytime. Instant access. After which it is just $9.99 /month per person. We are - a notification company for lost and found.    Suggested Products:

  • 2.25 inch wide custom label
  • 4 inch wide custom label
  • 6 inch wide custom label
  • 8 inch wide custom label
  Register on www.LOSTGOOSE.com                         PROTECT YOUR INVESTMENT. INVEST IN YOU.
