admin March 30, 2020


Way back when Humans came into existence, he/she roamed the Earth on foot close to their birthplace, then died out peacefully within a few miles of their settlement. Minimal travel existed by horse and buggy.  There were rarely any travel plans made to visit exotic locations nor did they have any formal vacations. Fast forward to today, we have become wanderers travelling to each and every corner of the Globe. All of this has been made possible with the invention of various transportation modalities such as Planes, trains, Ships and Automobiles. We can travel from one end of the World to another within 24 Hours. Commercial routes were established and things have for sure sped up. We have started doing everything fast, right from eating fast to working through lunch and with often with no down time. Money was and is currently the driving force behind all these Commercial activities happening round the clock.  Stock markets are trading in milliseconds, so have the speed of Planes increased exponentially. Today we are also talking about Intergalactic travel. With the speed at which how things move today, it has a dark side to it. With speed comes increased crime and other health ailments. Everything speeds up. In crime, as each second passes, opportunities to solve any case drastically diminishes. This applies to anything from illegal activities to drugs that are flooding the system. There are pros and cons in life. We need to take what is good in Life and let go the bad. It's also inevitable that we are apt to losing our luggage, wallet, headphones, phone chargers, passports, books, laptops etc. at some point in our lives. This adds to frustration, anger and inconvenience. Not to mention the expense related to the replacement of the loss plus the value of the lost item. In fact the loss has compounded and doubled. Did you know that there are businesses which facilitate auctions to sell off your unclaimed luggage and other items for pennies on the dollar and still make money? If so, how do we prevent lost baggage in the first place and how do we increase the chances of us getting it back when it is lost and found? What can we do on our part to aid in a search and rescue or to help ID the victim of a crime? As a Free service to all our members, we have (important-Save-Me) forms that could be printed out from www.LOSTGOOSE.com.  By doing so you will have access to free documents to help document almost everything that matters to you and have it safely stored away for future use. Just in case. Having a photo is much better than having no photo at all. A picture is much better than a thousand words. It says it all. Once our encrypted labels are seen on a lost and found article by a finder and once they notify our system, our system will notify you via email. Our custom labels are designed to do the "talking" on behalf of you. Your Privacy is rest assured. Affix our custom labels to anything and everything that is on the move, so our custom labels can do their job for you. Having details of everything all in one place proactively is a very smart move. On the contrary, If we are not proactive by being not being prepared at all, if and when something bad happens - we may not like it, nor the urgency of the situation. Not to mention the aggravation, the chaos, the resentment, the confusion, the anger and all the other emotions that go with it. So let's get prepared and stay prepared for the unseen and the unknown. That's priceless. All you have to do is to register with us for FREE, print your own custom labels from the comforts of your home or while traveling, and tag everything you own that is important to you. If and when it gets lost and found and once the finder notifies our system, our system will notify you via email.  Once you become a member you may print UNLIMITED custom labels, Tag UNLIMITED items that you own, and get UNLIMITED notifications. The best part of it is you can join right away. The First month is always FREE. No contracts. Join anytime. Instant access. After which it is just $9.99 /month per person. We are - a notification company for lost and found.    Suggested Products:

  • 2.25 inch wide custom label
  • 4 inch wide custom label
  • 6 inch wide custom label
  • 8 inch wide custom label
  Register on www.LOSTGOOSE.com                         PROTECT YOUR INVESTMENT. INVEST IN YOU.
